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Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media
01.10.2017 - 31.03.2021
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Musical non-formally situated learning in digital learning environments
Our project ‘Musicalytics’ is a cooperation with the Institute for Music Education Research of the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media, in which we concentrate on the ways and strategies that people use in non-formal settings to gain special competencies in the field of music.
For this purpose, we provide data-generating learning opportunities. To visualize ways of learning and digital tracks, methods from the field of computer science are used and combined, so that learning processes and learning paths can be logged and evaluated automatically.
In the context of a course at two music schools, the participants will work on various theoretical and practical topics from the field of music. The way in which the participants deal with the given tasks and what materials they use is recorded by qualitative and quantitative methods and evaluated by means of "learning analytics" as well as from a technical perspective. In addition, data about metacognitive processes is collected and analyzed and will be included in the evaluation.
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of education and research (BMBF).
Publications belonging to this project
Krieter, Philipp; Breiter, Andreas (2018) Analyzing mobile application usage: generating log files from mobile screen recordings
New York, NY, USA:
Article 9, 10 pages.
Konferenz: In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 18)
Krieter, Philipp; Breiter, Andreas (2018) Track every move of your students: log files for Learning Analytics from mobile screen recordings.
in: Krömker, D. & Schroeder, U.,
Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.,
Konferenz: DeLFI 2018 - Die 16. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, 2018
Weyel, Benjamin; Lehmann-Wermser, Andreas; Krieter, Philipp (2018) Musicalytics – Musikalisches non-formal situiertes Lernen in digitalen Lernumgebungen Musik und Multimedia, 2018, Wolfenbuettel:
Krieter, Philipp (2019) Can I Record Your Screen? Mobile Screen Recordings as a Long-term Data Source for User Studies
ACM, New York, NY, USA,
Konferenz: MUM 2019: 18th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2019)
Lehmann-Wermser, Andreas; ; Breiter, Andreas; ; Finken, Julia; ; Krieter, Philipp; ; Weyel, Benjamin (2019) musicalytics: Wie lernt man Musik in der digitalen Welt? in: B. Jörissen, S. Kröner & L. Unterberg (Hrsg,), Forschung zur Digitalisierung in der Kulturellen Bildung, München: Kopaed, 149-160.
Krieter, Philipp; Breiter, Andreas (2020) Digitale Spuren von Studierenden in virtuellen Lernumgebungen in: Hofhues, S., Schiefner-Rohs, M., Aßmann, S. & Brahm, T., Studierende - Medien - Universität. Einblicke in studentische Medienwelten, Münster: Waxmann, 131-152.
Krieter, Philipp; Viertel, Michael; Breiter, Andreas (2020) We Know What You Did Last Semester: Learners’ Perspectives on Screen Recordings as a Long-Term Data Source for Learning Analytics
in: Alario-Hoyos C., Rodríguez-Triana M., Scheffel M., Arnedillo-Sánchez I., Dennerlein S. ,
Springer, Cham,
Lecture Notes in Com.
Konferenz: 15th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2020)
Krieter, Philipp (2020) Looking Inside - Mobile Screen Recordings as a Privacy Friendly Long-Term Data Source to Analyze User Behavior
ISBN: https://doi.org/10.26092/elib/103
Lehmann-Wermser, Andreas; Breiter, Andreas (2020) Computer Based Assessment and Feedback in Music Education in: Lehmann-Wermser, Andreas; Breiter, Andreas, Hannover: Institut für musikpädagogische Forschung. Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover,