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  3. Media education, media and IT competence

Media education, media and IT competence

Digitization, mediatization and surrounding culture

The promotion of media education, media and IT competence has been one of the research focusses of our institute since its foundation. Digital media and their associated application practices are an integral part of social dealings. They profoundly shape the increasingly media-influenced worlds of life, education and work, and the cultures that surround them. We see our task as exploring these processes of change, especially at the organizational level, in order to identify potential for education and development.

Media education, media and IT competence in the course of education

The integration of media education and the acquisition of media and IT competence in all educational institutions is of great importance for lifelong learning. Starting with schools, we have therefore expanded our research areas to include early childhood education and vocational training. This also includes in-company training programs for companies and public administration. Within the framework of our central concept of media integration, we look at all relevant pedagogical-content-related areas, whether technical-organizational or legal and financial aspects.

Current projects


Musical non-formally situated learning in digital learning environments