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Post-Doc in Computational Social Science & PhD in Informatics/Human Computer Interaction in SFB1342

Im Rahmen des Sonderforschungsbereich 1342 "Globale Entwicklungsdynamiken von Sozialpolitik" haben wir am ifib zum 01. April 2018 die folgenden zwei Stellen zu besetzen:


Post-Doctoral Researcher in Computational Social Science (TV-L 13, 100%)


PhD Researcher in Informatics / Human Computer Interaction (TV-L 13, 100%)


Die Stellen werden von der DFG gefördert und sind Teil des Projektes:


A01. Measuring the global dynamics of social policy and cross-national interdependencies—Co-Creating the Global Welfare State Information System (WeSIS)


Our goal is to empower social scientists to understand the global dynamics of social policy and cross-national interdependencies. Together with a large group of social scientists, we will build the first information system that gives a holistic picture of the global welfare state: a next-generation atlas with sophisticated visualization and machine learning tools capabilities. The system will also collect and present the research results from 15 research projects that are part of the Collaborative Research Center.


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